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How to Answer Tricky Interview Questions

Interview Resources
how to answer tricky interview questions

An interview is a chance for a hiring manager to get to know you and dig deeper than the information on your CV and cover letter. You’ve already impressed them with your experience and qualifications, so once they’ve verified that you have the right skills they want to see that you also have the right attitude and competencies for the job. Often this means being asked seemingly ridiculous questions or questions designed to trip you up, but really they are designed to test your mental agility and thinking skills. Here are some common questions and how to answer them. 

Who are your three dream dinner party guests? 

This question is designed to see if you can think on your feet, the interviewer isn’t looking to see how well rounded you are or high calibre your answers are. Whether you pick heroes from science, literature, music or sport – this question is really just to see that you can think fast. This is a popular question, so having a prepared response is a good idea!

How would you describe yourself in one word? 

Nobody can be summed up in just one word, humans are too multifaceted to labelled by just one word. This question seeks to see how you package yourself, how you present yourself and what you want to the interviewer to think of you. Don’t call yourself ‘brilliant’ ‘awesome’ or be boastful, use this question as an opportunity to give a genuine answer that matches one of your key personality traits to the job. Good examples could be conscientious, creative, analytical, responsible, organised, honest and flexible. 

Where does your boss think you are right now? 

This question is designed to see how you treat your current employer and how honest you are. Have you lied to your boss about where you are? Do they know you are job seeking? If you have taken a days holiday or are meeting on your day off, your manager is less likely to have asked what you are doing – so you can be truthful and tell the interviewee so. If you do have to take a few hours out of your working day to attend the interview it’s best not to lie to your current manager or the hiring manager – say you need to attend an appointment, and keep it vague. 

What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow? 

While most of us would rush to the airport and take the first trip to a tropical beach, an interviewer doesn’t want to hear that! Focus your answer around showing that your would use the opportunity to make the most of your time, give logical answers that don’t betray the work ethic you’ve been demonstrating to them throughout the interview. Perhaps you would still work and pursue a childhood dream or set up a charity or volunteer your time. Be honest, give a genuine answer and make your reply personal and memorable. 

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