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Five Ways the Internet of Things Will Transform the Energy Industry

Posted on: 24/10/2016
A connected smart city

There is no getting away from it – the Internet of Things (IoT) will completely transform the way we generate and consume energy in the decades ahead. A future smart grid will offer deeper insight, greater control and further personalisation of the energy we use in our homes, while helping to reduce downtime of infrastructure and minimise maintenance. 

“I’m pretty confident that the Internet of Things is going to have net negative power consumption. If you control lights, heat and cooling in smarter ways, that’s really substantial.” –Urs Holzle, Senior Vice President of Technical Infrastructure at Google.

So with that in mind, we wanted to look at five ways that the Internet of Things will make a difference to the energy industry:

Improved Infrastructure

In many instances, rebuilding infrastructure from scratch is out of the question – but that does not mean it cannot be modernised. By using the intelligent technologies offered by the Internet of Things, systems can be upgraded and made more secure, more efficient or cheaper to operate and offer improved power quality.

Time and Money Savings

Like any business, downtown is expensive to those operating in the energy industry– both in terms of time and money. The Internet of Things offers the potential of increasing uptime, minimising the need for maintenance and therefore reducing overall costs. Predictive maintenance analytics highlight potential faults, ensuring that they are rectified before they develop into a more serious and costly problem.

Additional Services

By 2020 every home in the UK will be fitted with a smart energy meter. Using the analytics that these energy meters will generate, suppliers will be better equipped to offer customers the products and services which are suited to their individual usage requirements. 

Extra Convenience

At the end of a long day, many of us just want to come home to a warm house and a ready-boiled kettle so we can put our feet up. The Internet of Things could make that dream a reality. Whether you are sat in the car or travelling home on the train, your smartphone, tablet or laptop will soon offer the functionality to operate the devices in your home – regardless of where you are in the world.

More Innovation

In 2007 Apple launched their first iPhone. At this time the mobile apps we take for granted every day were almost unheard of – today the mobile applications industry is worth $25bn and the possibilities are almost endless. The Internet of Things is expected to have a similar impact and will create innovative new ways for managing our energy consumption. 

You can find full details of all of the smart technology roles we are currently recruiting for by visiting our Vacancies Database. Alternatively, send us a copy of your CV to cvs@peoplewithenergy.co.uk and one of our consultants will be in touch.